Guide Staff
Kevin Stahl

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November is trophy muskie time! Join Capt. Kevin Stahl of RFRG Outdoors on the waters of Green Bay Wisconsin for an experience you won’t soon forget. When fishing with Capt. Kevin you’ll learn all the tips and tricks of Green Bay while searching for monster muskies. Green Bay is well known to produce many muskies over 50 inches every year. Some even say the next world record swims in these waters, and we believe that!
A day trolling on the waters of Green Bay with Capt. Kevin is an educational experience. Capt. Kevin can show you the simplicities of working the lower bay with planer boards or take you on a journey to learn deeper trolling techniques on structures of the outlaying Bay. It’s up to you! Just contact Capt. Kevin and tell him what it is you’d like to learn about trolling for monster muskies on Green Bay. Whether a beginner wanting to learn about the equipment needed to start trolling for muskies to experienced fisherman wanting to learn new big water, time in the boat with Capt. Kevin is time well spent!
Fishing for trophy muskies isn’t the only species option when you choose an outing with RFRG/Green Bay. Outings on the bay for big Walleye, Northern Pike and huge Smallmouth Bass are also popular. Capt. Kevin doesn’t limit his “strike zone” to only the waters of Green Bay, there are many inland lakes that the good Captain is very familiar with and fishes often or perhaps you’d just prefer a little different experience than the big water. RFRG Green Bay… great fishing within the convience of the Green Bay metro area…
Who says you can’t mix business with pleasure!
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