Guide Staff

Dan Colomby - PRO STAFF

Business Name:

Nipissing Muskies



[email protected]




Dan Colomby has been fishing the famed waters of Lake Nipissing in North Eastern Ontario for over 20 years and began guiding in 2004 at the request of some of the local lodges. Dan has since  been regarded as the guy to see when visiting Lake Nipissing.  He’ll put you on everything from bass and walleye, to pike, gar pike, and fresh water drum. But his passion of course is muskies.  Dan guides full time from the pike opener on the 3rd Saturday in May until freeze up in December. He’s guided the likes of Wisconsin musky hall-of-famer Larry   Ramsell on several occasions and also has an episode of Pete Maina’s ‘The Next Bite’ to his credit, shot in 2007 on Lake Nipissing and aired on WFN in 2008. Dan also contributes monthly articles  to the local paper on everything to do with fishing. During the winter months you’ll find Dan working his ‘other’  job as a music composer/producer for television. His most recent TV contributions can be heard on the popular outdoor reality show ‘Survivorman‘ on the Discovery Channel and OLN. Dan is a restless individual, always seeking new answers to old questions. His curiosity led Dan to contact  Drifter Tackle to request some custom modifications to a few of their baits. Much to Dan’s surprise, the production team at Drifter responded  cooperatively and quickly with top-quality craftsmanship! Dan took his new secret weapons out on the water and filmed the results during the fall of 2011. He has since produced a few short videos to show Drifter, complete with voice-over narration, and, of course…. custom music. Watch for these and other videos soon on Drifter TV! Dan is honored to be a part of such a great company as Drifter Tackle and in such great company with the other legendary pro staffers seen on this website. Do visit this amazing resource often for updated cutting edge information on new products and techniques.

If you are interested in learning more about Dan Colomby, please feel free to visit his website:



Best Fishes,

