Guide Staff
Jeff Hanson

Business Name:
Madison Musky Guide ServiceWebsite:
[email protected]Phone:
My name is Jeff Hanson and I have been a resident of Madison, Wisconsin all of my life. I am a lifelong fisherman and outdoorsman. I have been a professional muskie fishing guide on the Madison Chain of Lakes here in Wisconsin for 16 years.
I fish exclusively for the “fish of a thousand casts” the MUSKY. I have been fascinated and obsessed with these fish since I was a young boy. I hope to pass some of my passion for this sport on to you as part of our time together.
From the beginning of Musky season in May through the colder months into October and November, I call the the Madison Chain of Lakes my second home. Depending upon the season and weather conditions I fish Lakes Monona, Wingra, Waubesa, Mud Lake and the Yahara River. I also guide on Twin Valley Lake in Dodgeville. I can find fish for the casual beginner or the seasoned veteran alike.
Whether you are looking for that first legal-size fish or the trophy of a lifetime, I have the knowledge and experience to help you realize that dream. Spend a day on the water with me on the Madison Wisconsin Chain of Lakes and learn proven musky catching techniques.
Why Madison Wisconsin Musky Fishing Guide Service?
- 16 Years Guiding Experience on the Madison Chain of Lakes in Wisconsin and am a full time guide.
Only Madison guide with muskys over 50″ (4) 52″, 52″,50.5″ and 50.25″ on the Madison Chain of Lakes
- 2011 Muskies Inc International Release Champion with 178 Musky caught and released from 30″- 54″
- I am an active member of our local Madison Wisconsin Muskies Inc. Chapter (Capital City Chapter) since 1993 and have been a muskie school instructor the last 10 years
- I have 9 entries in the Century Club (100+ fish in a season) and I have been the Men’s Masters Division Champion 14 times.
- I was also the Muskies Inc International Release Champion for 2002, 2004, 2006,2010 and second place in 2009. Also in 2009, my partner and I were honored to win the IMTT Tournament on Lake Monona. 2nd Place IMTT 2011 Monona 3rd place 2011 IMTT Waubesa
- I am pleased to say that I serve on the Pro-staff of many fishing tackle companies. Please visit my Sponsors and Links Page to find out more about these fine companies.
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