Guide Staff
Jim Murphy

Business Name:
Murph's Guide ServiceWebsite:
[email protected]Phone:
Murph has over 25 years experience fishing the Leech Lake area. He has guided in the area for the last 12 years and spends an average of 200 days on the water. He is also member of the Leech Lake Guides Coalition.
Murph strives to make every day out on the water a learning experience. Spend a day with him and learn how and why fish relate to certain types of structures throughout the season. Learn the techniques and presentations to catch fish that will be valuable to you for the rest of your life.
Learn recent techniques used to troll for walleyes, such as the use of bottom bouncers and spinners with live bait or trolling crankbaits with planer boards.
Murph is an avid muskie angler. Muskie hunting, the pursuit of the freshwater king is Murph’s passion.
- Learn how to cast, tie knots, sharpen hooks, make leaders, and modify baits.
- Learn the hot spots and muskie seasonal movements.
- Learn how to contact suspended muskies using proven trolling techniques.
A day of muskie fishing with Murph will also give you experience using a variety of the different muskie baits on the market and how to retrieve them, and how to properly handle and release muskies. Murph is an strong believer in catch and release to protect this valuable resource.
- New Ranger 620 Boat powered by a Yamaha 225 h.p.
- State of the art electronics, GPS, and Marine Radio
- New rods and reels and equipment provided if needed
- All live bait provided
- Life jackets and rain gear provided
- Fully insured and First Aid Certified
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